dog breeds


Wirehaired Fox Terrier,Wire Fox Terrier Breed Information

Wire Fox Terrier profile

Wire Fox Terrier profile

Other names     Wire Hair Fox Terrier,Wirehaired Terrier,Wirehaired Fox Terrier

Breed Group:     Terrier

Weight:     Male: 17-19; Female: 15-17 lbs

Height:     Male: 38-40.5 cm; Female:35.5-38 cm

Color(s):     white should predominate (brindle, red, or liver markings are objectionable)

Life expectancy 12-14 years

Litter size     3-6

Wire Fox Terrier History

Wirehaired Fox Terriers were bred in England exclusively for hunting fox not for companionship. Like other terrier breeds, these dogs were created by crossing Dachshunds, Beagles, and comparable small hunting dogs. Although the breed is now mainly a companion animal, this was not the situation until the1930s. The breed is most likely finest well-known for its appearances in late 1930’s movies, such The Awful reality (1937) and Bringing Up Baby (1938). Prior to that, Charles Darwin kept a Wirehaired Fox Terrier as a pet.

Wire Fox Terrier Description

The Wirehaired Fox Terrier is a medium sized dog. The hairs are so thick and close collectively that when they are parted you cannot see the skin. It has a short, gentle undercoat. The coat is predominately white with dark or brown markings. The wiry coat has dense twisted, hairs comparable to the hair about the outside of a coconut. The legs are straight. The tail is high set and is usually docked by 1/4, leaving 3/4 within the authentic length. Note: the exercise of docking tails is illegal in most parts of Europe. The eyes and eye rims are dark in color. The small V-shaped ears drop forward close to the cheeks. The neck is thick and muscular.The skull is flat, moderately narrowing to the eyes. The cease is slight. The muzzle slowly tapers to the dark nose. The teeth should meet in a scissors bite.

Wire Fox Terrier Temperament

The Wire Fox Terrier ought to be alert, quick and prepared to respond swiftly with enthusiasm. However they should also be friendly, communicative and exceedingly playful if they receive the proper treatment and exercise. Bred to be independent thinkers, they are capable of tactical maneuvering for vermin and other sport. due to their high level of intelligence and energy, they undoubtedly are a dog that is not suited for everyone.

Two within the Wire Fox Terriers' most distinctive traits are their enormous amount of energy and intelligence. They possess a reduced threshold for boredom and require stimulation, exercise and attention. Indeed, once absorbed to the family, they are an inquisitive dog having a nose for everybody's business. They particularly appreciate comfort time about the couch or in bed in the evening, the wirefox is a true companion animal. Most of them truly love water and so are continually up for a swim. A life jacket is suggested for them.

Wire Fox Terrier Care

As much as this breed of dog goes, they require very little upkeep other then as it pertains to their productive mischievous disposition. This means that they require a higher level of attention then most other breeds require with regards to obedience training.

Even after years of operate even the very best skilled Wire Fox Terrier will occasionaly fail to come when its title is called anticipated to their independent nature must test their master. Their thick wiry coat however will require some tending to from time to time. Also, they require a measurable degree of stimulus and action including outings to parks or brushy places where they can do some exploring as their natural bred in instincts require it.

Wire Fox Terrier Grooming

Regular grooming is all of the Wire Fox Terrier requires. The coat ought to be brushed or combed many times during the week. Trimming and stripping the coat is finest performed by a professional groomer.


1.The hair about the neck ought to be clipped first all of the way around. Then continue down the back, down the rib cage, but leaving the chest hair.

2.Before clipping a dog for the show, it should continually be combed out first.

3.Grooming for display is a a lot more complex procedure. When bathing the dog, it should continually be washed and rinsed twice.

Wire Fox Terrier Training

The Wire Fox Terrier is a very productive little dog, and can be very independent therefore instruction at a very early age is important. These dogs can loose interest in instruction relatively early, and therefore requires a organization and reliable trainer. when the instruction sessions are fun, their interest might be kept longer. Experienced trainers are suggested for these dogs, as they can be very wilful and obstinate. when the correct instruction methods are not followed, these dogs will become very difficult to train.


1.The instruction within the Wire Fox Terrier should include obedience tasks because they are extremely intelligent and energetic.

2.Training for the Wire Fox Terrier can be a difficult process if you are instruction them from the time they undoubtedly are a puppy.

Wire Fox Terrier Pictures

Wire Fox Terrier Pictures at 4 months oldWire Fox Terrier Pictures at 4 months oldWire Fox Terrier Pictures

