dog breeds


Bearded Collie Breed Information

Bearded Collie

Bearded Collie profile

other name      Beardie

                Highland Collie

                Mountain Collie

Breed Group:     Herding

Weight:     45-55 lbs

Height:     Male: 21-22; Female: 20-21 inches

Color(s):     any shade of gray or chocolate. White may appear as a blaze,

                or on tail tip, feet, and chest. Tan points may also occur

Life expectancy 14-15 years

Litter size     4-12, 12 avg

Bearded Collie History

The bearded collie originates from Scotland, developing from other sheep dogs, but no a single is completely certain about what canines are in its ancestry. Back then, they were used generally for herding cattle and making nice family pets. They were made to be independent as when they were herding they were occasionally miles aside from the shepherd and needed those skills to take manage and make decisions. They have always been intelligent and hard working. They are seen as sheep dogs, companions and inside show-ring for dog shows every single now and then.

in Scotland in 1514, and brought six Polish Lowland Sheepdogs to proceed them. A Scottish shepherd was so impressed with the herding ability on the canines that he traded a few sheep for a few dogs. These were bred with the nearby Scottish canines to produce the Bearded Collie.

Bearded Collies gained The Kennel Club of Great Britain's attention and joined their club in 1959. considering that then, they have been known much more popularly and have been working their way into households all over the world. In 1977 they bearded collie joined the AKC. considering that then, they have turn into even much more common and so are seen all over the United States. They are inside center on the recognition poll for dogs, ranking 104 away from 189.

Bearded Collie Description

The Bearded Collie is a medium-sized ancestor on the Old English Sheepdog with an agile system plus a amount of natural herding abilities. The breed has a sturdy, robust build plus a large, broad head that features a muzzle that is identical in length towards the back-skull. Bearded Collie puppies are usually born with a black, brown, fawn, or blue coat. Black puppies fade to grey. Brown puppies turn into tan. Blue puppies turn sterling silver. Fawn puppies fade to cream. As the dog becomes older, the coat color darkens again. last coat colors with this breed are someplace in between the puppy coat and yearling coat.Their ears are pendant shaped and lie close towards the head and their teeth are large and well-developed. The tail with this breed is carried low unless the dog is excited. Bearded Collies have a long, shaggy double coat that consists of a dense, weatherproof external coat plus a thick, soft undercoat. The coat color of a Bearded Collie may change numerous times over the program of their lifetime.The eyes are large and full of expression. The eyesight color generally fixtures that on the coat: slate-grey canines have dark brown eyes; brown canines have brown to amber colored eyes; blue canines have grey colored eyes; fawn canines have amber-hazel colored eyes.

Bearded Collie Temperament

The Beardie is a natural herder of people and animals. They are noisy barkers, but are not check out dogs. They should not be shy or aggressive. When properly healthy in between authority and physical exercise they will likely be stable and self-confident. An unexercised Beardie who is left alone without anything to undertake will not be happy, and also you might not be happy with what they do even though you are gone. If you must leave them make sure to take them for a lengthy jog or stroll prior to leaving. Known for their "bounce,", the Beardie is exuberant and high-energy and without sufficient daily psychological and actual physical physical exercise they may get on their own into mischief. Very trainable for several activities. An owner who displays a natural authority is a must as Beardies believe a whole lot and will likely be headstrong if he sees you as meek. a single must be calm, but firm, self-confident and consistent when dealing with this dog. Set the principles you desire the dog to adhere to and stick to them. Obedience training is recommended. The Bearded Collie has an air of cheerful, happy-go-lucky, tail-wagging humor. They are affectionate, playful and lively, they will make a appropriate companion for children. They love to be with their people.

Bearded Collie Care

The Bearded Collie needs daily brushing to prevent tangles and mats. The coat must be misted with a conditioning spray prior to brushing. Professional clipping can be done every single two months. dried out shampooing or bathing should be done as needed. This breed is prone to allergies, hip dysplasia, eyesight problems, hypothyroidism, and auto-immune disease.

Bearded Collie Grooming

Beardies require plenty of grooming. And if you take a single look at their coats, you will know why. Either you will have to understand to groom like a pro, have them groomed by a pro or clip all that shaggy hair.

Bearded Collie Training

The Bearded Collie is a clever fellow, but a bit headstrong, so firm, consistent training is necessary. With its high energy degree and brilliant intellect, boredom can cause troubles for the Beardie. Keep your Bearded Collie busy in purchase to steer clear of undesirable behavior. This dog often excels at canine sports for instance agility and herding trials.

Bearded Collie Pictures

Bearded Collie PicturesBearded Collie PicturesBearded Collie Pictures

